Providing transparent and reliable information
about how your food is grown.

The Simpson Centre for Food and Agricultural Policy is an academic policy institute that supports Canadian agri-food and agriculture, affiliated with the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy.

Our aim is to apply trans-disciplinary research to drive better policymaking and decision-making for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient agricultural industry. Strengthening the sustainability of agri-food and agribusiness means increasing food production to feed a growing global population, while attending to social and health impacts and the natural environment.


Our three key areas of research:

  • Agriculture and Society — population health and environment.
  • Agriculture and Economics — sustainable productivity.
  • Agricultural Literacy — public education and outreach.

The Simpson Centre is neutral in its research process and outputs. We connect researchers, everyday people, industry stakeholders and government actors to scientific issues critical to the future of Canada’s agricultural and food system.

In a digital information age, where the boundary between fact and science is often blurred, we’re looking to help foster collaborations based on reliable information.



As a knowledge broker, the Simpson Centre aims to:

  • Connect different audiences.
  • Improve public understanding of food production processes, regulations, and infrastructure.
  • Host experiments in collaborative policymaking with the commitment of government to create new policies based on our findings.
  • Evaluate our knowledge brokering activities to encourage feedback and be responsive.

Learn more about the Simpson Centre’s research and impacts in our Annual Report.

Annual Report, 2023-2024


Annual Report (22-23). 
Annual Report (21-22). 

Some Canadian agriculture and food stats.

$56 Billion

2017 Canadian agri-food exports


Share of Canada’s agriculture & agri-food GDP made up of crop production


Percent of total ag exports that was canola in 2017, Canada’s biggest agri-food export

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